April 22nd, 6-7:30PM – 808 Boscobel St. Nashville, TN 37206
MINUTES Jim Hoobler motioned to approve the March 18th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Jennifer Holskey Alexander seconded the motion. The March 18th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the March 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Annual State Filing for HEN has been approved. Jenny is working on a charitable solicitation permit to bring HEN into compliance. The past nine years of records have been approved. The last fiscal year is still to be approved. Budgets Jenny is reviewing past expenses and is working on a budget based on HEN’s historical spend. - Bank Account: $5,711.60 (The balance remains unchanged) - Venmo: $49.70 (in Venmo as reserve) Treasury Actions: Jenny will continue to bring the organization to full compliance for state filing. Jenny will compile past budget information and will share with the Board. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato July 10th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center Speakers: NPD Clay Capp Jim is hoping the parking commissioner will be able to attend as well. Shelby St. - Shelby traffic and pedestrian safety. Jim will connect with Clay Capp to see how best to bring up the Shelby St. topic in a community forum. Suggested Speakers for Future Community Meetings: Preservation Society Historic Zoning Commission 3. Block Captains Patrick will be moving out of the neighborhood and will no longer be on the HEN Board. We will need to find a new person to oversee the block captains. This role does not necessarily need to be filled by a member for the board. Block Captain Actions: Sally Ann will connect with Patrick to see if any current Block Captains may want to step in to fill the role. 4. Events: Sally Ann Eddmenson Event Committee Discussions: Newcomers Brunch – Saturday, April 6th - The brunch received a good turnout including a lot of new renters in the area. Yard Sale - Saturday, May 4th from 8AM – 2PM - Sally will email the flyer to the Board so that members can individually share the information. - Jenny will share the flyer on all of the HEN socials. - Promotion Suggestions: Tennessean, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist Boscopalooza 2024 - Allyson spoke with Clay Haynes. He will be out of town over 4th of July and is unable to be involved. - To close off the street through the Sherriff’s office, 75% of the street block must approve the street closure. - Further details will be discussed at the next Event Committee Meeting. Ice Cream Social / Board Voting Tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 18th Historic Edgefield Home Tour Event Chair: Allyson Co-Chair: Sally Ann Event Committee Meeting: Monday, April 29th 6PM 5. Beautification: Street Signs – Some signs are currently getting painted and repaired. Peter proposed looking in to cost effective options if we desire to fully replace some of the missing signs. Historic Zoning Commission will be cleaning the Historic Edgefield Marker on Friday, April 26th at noon. Board members are encouraged to participate. 6. Communication Communication Actions: Jim, Alice, Peter, and Jenny will set a time to discuss communication. 6. Development Tulip Street and The Russell were discussed. 7. Succession Planning Voting for the new board will be held in August. The board is encouraged to speak with neighbors about interest in joining the board. President - Option for Co-Presidents Vice President Treasurer Secretary UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Monday, May 20th, 2024 6PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:17PM March 18th, 6-7:30PM – 808 Boscobel St. Nashville, TN 37206
MINUTES Peter Greaves motioned to approve the February 12th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Jim Hoobler seconded the motion. The February 12th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the February 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Annual State Filing has been renewed and Board Member names have been updated. 501 (C) (7) – Historic Edgefield is classified as a social club. Social clubs are exempt from Federal Income Tax but donors do not receive any tax exemption. Jenny is working on bringing the organization to full compliance. Neighborhood Community Sign reimbursement has been completed. Two neighborhood memberships were added. - Bank Account: $5,711.60 (The balance remains unchanged from February 2024) - Venmo: $159 (in Venmo as reserve) Committee Budgets Each committee should determine a budget for the year for any activities (if any committee spend is anticipated). Examples: - Communications: website fees - Beautification: Trash bags, Refreshments for clean up days Treasury Actions: Jenny will continue to bring the organization to full compliance for state filing. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato March 20th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center Speakers: NPD Clay Capp Alice/Jim will discuss upcoming events for the neighborhood. - Will pitch the Tour of Homes to solicit additional interest. April 10th Meeting – As the January meeting was pushed to March 20th, the April 10th meeting will be cancelled as the timing is so close. Actions: Jenny will send an email blast reminder about the meeting. Jim will contact NPD, Clay Capp, and the East Park Community Center to advise that the April 10th meeting is cancelled. 3. Events: Sally Ann Eddmenson Event Committee Discussions: Newcomers Brunch – Saturday, April 6th 11AM-1PM - Expecting 50 People - Feedback from Block Captain Meeting: “Newcomers Brunch” title is confusing. Could be changed to “Spring Brunch” in future. - Supplies Still Needed: Coffee (Ann Manner), Mimosa Supplies (OJ, Sparkling Wine - Allyson) - Alice will count plates, cups, etc. - Sally Ann: 50 plates, 50 red solo cups, 100s of napkins, coffee cups - Jim will get four bags of Ice (currently has sweet tea, diet sweet tea, coke) Yard Sale - Saturday, May 4th from 8AM – 2PM - Flyer will be posted on all of the socials. - Promotion Suggestions: Tennessean, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist - Poster and Sign-up sheet will be displayed at the Newcomers Brunch o Email Jenna or Call Sally Ann Boscopalooza 2024 - Allyson will text Clay Haynes in the next week regarding Boscopalooza for 2024 to determine what extent, if any, he is interested in being involved with the event this year. - Event planning can begin after Clay’s plans are established. Historic Edgefield Home Tour - Attended Lockland Springs Neighborhood meeting to gather more insight. - Proposed Date: Try to coincide with Lockland’s Tree Lighting weekend as houses are decorated for Christmas - Wrist bands were proposed as a method to track who has paid for tickets. - Offer Venmo Payments - Maps could be emailed to people who have purchased tickets. - Block Captains can gauge neighborhood interest for participation. - The Estelle was proposed as a building of interest to either begin or conclude the home tour. Event Chair: Allyson Co-Chair: Sally Ann Event Committee Actions: Sally Ann to bring the Yard Sale flyer to the Newcomer Brunch along with a sign-up sheet. Jennie to post the flyer on the HEN Social Accounts. Allyson will connect with Clay Haynes regarding Boscopalooza. Sally Ann will pull together a general events calendar to share at the Neighborhood Committee Meeting. Jenny will publish it on the website. 4. Beautification: National Historic Marker Day – Friday, April 26th Historic Zoning Commission is working on a plan for Neighborhoods to beautify their historical markers (wash with mild soap, add mulch, etc.) Edgefield has Two Markers: Fatherland, East Park Community Center Street Signs – Alice working on getting a new proposal for street sign repairs/replacements. 5. Communication Communication Actions: Jenny to update the website Contact Link. Email to be changed to the Historic Gmail account. 6. Development Tulip Street – No update. The Russell – Should the Board submit a formal complaint regarding The Russell infractions? Peter to email the neighbors who expressed concern to gauge the current consensus. Rezoning - Rezoning along 10th St. and Shelby would change the historic overlay to accommodate higher density. - Proposed bill would remove minimum lot sizes. The lot on Shelby between 9th and 10th Ave could be rezoned from the current zoning of 14 units maximum to 24 units. - Metro zoning will hold a public meeting. - James Guthrie – President of East End Tuesday, March 19th at 12PM – meeting at East Park to discuss Main St./Gallatin 7. Succession Planning Anyone interested in positions should express interest. Primary positions to fill: President Co-President 8. Block Captains: Block Captain meeting was held to connect the block captains with each other. Patrick’s goal is to keep the volunteers engaged for sustainability and greater visibility within the neighborhood. - Newcomer brunch flyers are currently being distributed. UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Monday, April 22nd, 2024 6PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:28PM February 12th, 6-7:30PM – 808 Boscobel St. Nashville, TN 37206
MINUTES Sally Ann Eddmenson motioned to approve the January 8th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Allyson Edwards seconded the motion. The January 8th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the January 2024 minutes to the website and will continue to add the monthly minutes going forward. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny - Bank Account: $5,941.69 (The balance remains unchanged from January 2024) - Venmo: $159 (in Venmo as reserve) Anticipated spend for February: Neighborhood sign reimbursement to Brandon. (Estimated to be between $304.62 - $354.62) Jenny and Jenna went to Bank of America to update the authorized users on the account. As Anne Manner is listed as the agent of record for state filing, she apparently cannot be removed as an authorized user on the bank account. Authorized user updates must have all parties present to make changes. All current users and any future users would need to visit Bank of America together in order for any updates to occur. Current Authorized Users: Ann Manner, Randall Gilberd, Jennifer Holskey Alexander Alternatively, Jenny can remove all funds from Bank of America and can transfer it to a different bank. Treasury Actions: Jenny will organize a new time to visit Bank of America with Anne Manner, Randall Gilberd, and Jenna Philip. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato Due to severe weather, the January Community Meeting was cancelled. Jim will try to reschedule this for late February/early March pending Clay Capp’s availability. April 10th Meeting Potential Guests: Parking Commissioner Actions: Jim to reschedule the January Committee Meeting. Peter to reach out to the Parking Commissioner to request a liaison for the April 10th Community Meeting. 3. Events: Sally Ann Eddmenson Event Committee Discussions: Newcomers Brunch – Saturday, April 6th - Invitations are currently being printed at UPS. - Flyer distribution: Block Captains will begin to distribute 3 Weeks Prior to the event (Week of March 18th). Yard Sale - Proposed Date: Saturday, May 4th from 8AM – 2PM - Block Captains can gauge neighborhood interest for May 4th Boscopalooza 2024 - Sally Ann will connect with Clay Haynes regarding Boscopalooza for 2024 to determine what extent, if any, he is interested in being involved with the event this year. - Event planning can begin after Clay’s plans are established. Goat Yoga - Tentative September Event at Sally Ann’s house Historic Edgefield Home Tour - Proposed Date: Either Saturday, October 5th or Sunday, October 6th - Lockland Springs Neighborhood is having their quarterly meeting on Thursday, February 15th at 6PM at the Episcopal School of Nashville at 1310 Ordway Place. - HEN members have been invited to attend their quarterly meeting to learn about the Lockland Home Tour. - The primary challenge for this event will likely be finding people who are willing to showcase their homes. - Homes will not need to be categorized as historic to be eligible for participation. - Block Captains can gauge neighborhood interest for participation. - The Estelle or The Russell were proposed as buildings of interest to either begin or conclude the home tour. - The designation for the proceeds from ticket funds should be clearly advertised. Proposed suggestions: HEN Street Signs, Warner Elementary Event Chair: Allyson Co-Chair: Sally Ann Event Committee Actions: Jennie to post the Newcomer Brunch flyer on the HEN Social Accounts. Jennie will also pre-print name tags for board members with some identifying marker to help newcomers. Sally Ann will connect with Clay Haynes regarding Boscopalooza. Allyson and Sally Ann will connect with Angela Wilson to discuss previous home tours. Jim Hoobler will obtain historic artifacts from Phillip. 4. Beautification: No Report 5. Communication The HEN Facebook Page is now associated with a Facebook Group. - Alice Forrester, Jim Damato, and Peter Greaves are the Administrators who can approve any public posts. - Board Members can be pre-approved to post to the group page without requiring advance approval. 6. Development Tulip Street – No apparent progress with the proposed space. Jim Damato will be monitoring projected rezoning to change historic overlays in the neighborhood. - Rezoning along 10th St. and Shelby would change the historic overlay to accommodate higher density. - Proposed bill would remove minimum lot sizes. The lot on Shelby between 9th and 10th Ave could be rezoned from the current zoning of 14 units maximum to 24 units. Development Committee Actions: Jim Damato to compile information on upcoming bills and public meetings. The information will be posted on the HEN social accounts. 7. Block Captains: No Report UPCOMING MEETING Monday, March 18th, 2024 6PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:02PM ATTENDEES: Jenna Philip, Jennifer Holskey Alexander, Jim Damato, Jim Hoobler, John Guider, Patrick Nitch, Sally Ann Eddmenson; ABSENTEES: Alice Forrester, Allyson Edwards
Frank Zier, Kristen Stenson, Peter Greaves, Samuel Ellis MINUTES: Jim Hoobler motioned to approve the November 13th, 2023 HEN Board Meeting meetings. Patrick Nitch seconded the motion. The November 13th, 2023 HEN Board Meeting minutes were approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Treasury: Jenny - Bank Account: $5,941.69 (The balance remains unchanged from November 2023) - Venmo: $159.00 (in Venmo as reserve) Anticipated spend for January: Neighborhood sign reimbursement to Brandon (Between $304.62 or $354.62 depending upon a potential rush fee). Treasury Actions: Jenny will provide Bank of America with the HEN Board Minutes in order to update the authorized users on the account. New authorized users will also need to physically go to the branch to provide photo identification. Names to be removed as an authorized user: Randall Gilberd, Chris Lucas, Anne Manner Names to be added as an authorized user: Alice Forrester, Jenna Philip, Peter Greaves Jenny and Jenna to find time to go to BOA prior to the next Board Meeting. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato Community Meeting Discussions: The first HEN Community Meeting of 2024 will be held on Wednesday, January 17th at 6:30PM at East Park Community Center. Brandon has ordered five new Community Meeting signs that are expected to be completed this week. The five signs will be stationed at meaningful intersections as soon as they arrive. 2024 Community Meeting Dates Wednesday, January 17th Wednesday, April 10th Wednesday, July 10th Wednesday, October 9th Proposed Future Meetings (In Progress) Parking Commissioner: To discuss permit parking in HEN Shelby Traffic: To discuss traffic and accident concerns Preservation Society Community Meeting Actions: Patrick to place the new signs as soon as they arrive this week. Jim to drop off any metal sign stands he has to Patrick. Patrick to connect with Frank to locate additional metal sign stands. Any additional metal sign stands to be purchased on Amazon. 3. Events Event Committee Discussions: Holiday party was a great success with a significant turnout. - Thoughtful idea to continue in the future: Group photo of some of “The Originals” from the neighborhood. Lockland Neighborhood Lockland Neighborhood has scheduled their Tour of Homes for Mother’s Day. For the holidays, their neighborhood hosts a tree lighting in the park, a neighborhood holiday light competition, and a trolley tour to view the festive streets. Boscopalooza 2024 Allyson and Sally Ann have offered to take ownership of Boscopalooza 2024. - Jim Damato would like to offer advice for the event and proposed that Allyson and Sally Ann should connect with Clay Haynes (the original host of Boscopalooza) Estelle Event Tabled for the next meeting that Alice is in attendance. Newcomer’s Brunch Jim Hoobler and Dana to host the 2024 Newcomer Brunch. Potential Date: Saturday, April 6th from 11AM – 1PM Additional Proposed Events: - Goat Yoga - Community Yard Sale “Edgefield Fire Sale” - HEN Tour of Homes – Potentially Early Fall Between 10 – 12 homes previously participated in the Tour of Homes event. Prior to the tornado, some churches were included as well. In addition to homeowners, volunteers also assisted in “safe-guarding” the homes as people toured. Ideas/Suggestions o Local vendors could be included in some capacity whether through brochure sponsorship, recognition on the HEN website, a vendor “fair” at the conclusion of the event, etc. o Vendors could include locally vetted household companies including Cumberland Cooling, contractors, plumbers, architects, etc. o Angela Wilson led the last successful home and could likely offer insight. Event Committee Actions The Event Committee will meet prior to the next board meeting to create a proposed calendar of neighborhood events for 2024. 6. Beautification: No update. 7. Communication Communications Committee actions are ongoing. A Facebook Page has been created to link to the HEN Facebook Group and Instagram accounts. Web hosting and an email subscriber list will still need to be worked on. Sally Ann suggested Converter Kit as an email tool for announcements. Communication Committee Actions: Jenny will connect with Peter to have the website updated. - Holiday Party information to be removed. - Community Meeting information to be added. Jenny to handle the social media communication regarding the upcoming community meeting. 8. Development Development Discussions: Peter continues to monitor developments that warrant neighborhood considerations. 800 Main St. – Zoning was changed to approve a 10-story structure. Developer funding issues may stall the project. Tulip St. Venue Development – Clay Capp has committed to represent the neighborhood sentiments regarding this development. Peter to provide additional updates at the next Board Meeting. 9. Block Captains Block Captain Committee Discussion: Strengthened community outreach is desired to further foster community in the HEN neighborhood. Proposed areas of focus: - Supporting families when a neighbor passes away. - Offering assistance to those facing household calamities (house fires, tornado damage, etc.) - Crime updates Block Captain Actions: Block captains to focus on building and strengthening relationships within each block to have a greater understanding for neighborhood needs. UPCOMING MEETING Monday, February 12th, 2024 6PM – 7:30PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:22PM HEN Neighborhood Association Notes 1/9/22
Attendees: Alice Forrester, Bryce Hubner, Frank Zier, Kelly Collier, Jim D’Amato, Jenny Alexander, Jim Hoobler, Kristen Stenson Non-attendees: Phil Hill, Bridget Lanford, Gracie Porter, Peter Greaves, Sam Ellis, Angela Wilson Events: Excellent Neighborhood Party and Santa Event! Big congratulations and thank you to the Communication and Events teams! Outstanding turnout and exciting to see new and established faces turning out to recognize our special neighborhood. Let’s keep this momentum through the rest of the year! Financials: HEN raised $100 with our book event and $450 in new memberships during the holiday. Currently, $1,777 in the HEN accounts Communications: Determined that we’ll use Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future. Neighborhood meetings will be announced through social not mailers. Block captain system needed for the new brunch comers brunch. Sam & Jenny to connect on setting up events for zoom. Newcomers brunch to be held in April- add to agenda for next Board meeting East Precinct Contact: Sergeant Eric Funk is our new representation. Let’s consider ideas in advance of the neighborhood meeting of how we can reach out and engage on behalf of HEN. Kelly will reach out to Eric Funk to see gauge interest in regular meeting with Association. Tulip Street Church: Planning received a landmark status request for Tulip Street. Concerns raised that landmark status creates an ambiguous zoning status and expands commercial uses. Without it, Micah is limited to his options of use. HEN suggests inviting Micah to a board Zoom and hear his plans for the property. Our neighborhood does have input and can place conditions on zoning. Issues like pickup, drop-off, parking, noise need to be clearly understood as this will determine future uses of the property as well. HEN Board recommends investigating terms negotiated with other landmark buildings and invite Micah to a meeting with a small number of HEN residents in advance of the February 1 neighborhood meeting. Separately, HEN Board recommends a meeting with Brett to review uses of landmark buildings from his perspective. Traffic Calming Application: HEN is not on the list. Deadline to file is 1/31/22, and Jim D’Amato is on it! A neighborhood survey to determine where trouble spots are needed. Brett suggests intersections for Fatherland and Woodland. Decisions are based on speeding tickets and traffic stops. But little police presence it is challenging to track and verify. Eastbank: Kelly interested in advisory committee representing HEN and asked Brett for advance notice of meetings. Anne Grider Metro Planning’s Eastbank project rep, agreed to attend future Neighborhood association meeting. Work on historic homes; Requires postal notices to addresses within 250 ft of the address. Jim will confirm with Lockland and East End Titans Campus Enhancements: Titans CEO meeting left Bryce feeling that maintaining the current campus with improvements that would be authentic and useful to Nashville and residents not tourists. Better public transport, access to highway or suburanian parking structure. Bryce suggest quarterly call with the Titans. Consideration of enlarging the stadium to allow for bigger shows in consideration as other undefined considerations. A general comment regarding objective of the association for engagement in planning is to both ensure capture of neighborhood priorities for integration into planning decisions but also a remedy agreed should agreements /commitments to the neighborhood not be met. Post meeting note: RPM Skyline has decide to put property on 10th & Fatherland (former Church) back on the market rather than develop. With Best Regards, Kelly & Frank |
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