HEN Neighborhood Association Notes 1/9/22
Attendees: Alice Forrester, Bryce Hubner, Frank Zier, Kelly Collier, Jim D’Amato, Jenny Alexander, Jim Hoobler, Kristen Stenson Non-attendees: Phil Hill, Bridget Lanford, Gracie Porter, Peter Greaves, Sam Ellis, Angela Wilson Events: Excellent Neighborhood Party and Santa Event! Big congratulations and thank you to the Communication and Events teams! Outstanding turnout and exciting to see new and established faces turning out to recognize our special neighborhood. Let’s keep this momentum through the rest of the year! Financials: HEN raised $100 with our book event and $450 in new memberships during the holiday. Currently, $1,777 in the HEN accounts Communications: Determined that we’ll use Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future. Neighborhood meetings will be announced through social not mailers. Block captain system needed for the new brunch comers brunch. Sam & Jenny to connect on setting up events for zoom. Newcomers brunch to be held in April- add to agenda for next Board meeting East Precinct Contact: Sergeant Eric Funk is our new representation. Let’s consider ideas in advance of the neighborhood meeting of how we can reach out and engage on behalf of HEN. Kelly will reach out to Eric Funk to see gauge interest in regular meeting with Association. Tulip Street Church: Planning received a landmark status request for Tulip Street. Concerns raised that landmark status creates an ambiguous zoning status and expands commercial uses. Without it, Micah is limited to his options of use. HEN suggests inviting Micah to a board Zoom and hear his plans for the property. Our neighborhood does have input and can place conditions on zoning. Issues like pickup, drop-off, parking, noise need to be clearly understood as this will determine future uses of the property as well. HEN Board recommends investigating terms negotiated with other landmark buildings and invite Micah to a meeting with a small number of HEN residents in advance of the February 1 neighborhood meeting. Separately, HEN Board recommends a meeting with Brett to review uses of landmark buildings from his perspective. Traffic Calming Application: HEN is not on the list. Deadline to file is 1/31/22, and Jim D’Amato is on it! A neighborhood survey to determine where trouble spots are needed. Brett suggests intersections for Fatherland and Woodland. Decisions are based on speeding tickets and traffic stops. But little police presence it is challenging to track and verify. Eastbank: Kelly interested in advisory committee representing HEN and asked Brett for advance notice of meetings. Anne Grider Metro Planning’s Eastbank project rep, agreed to attend future Neighborhood association meeting. Work on historic homes; Requires postal notices to addresses within 250 ft of the address. Jim will confirm with Lockland and East End Titans Campus Enhancements: Titans CEO meeting left Bryce feeling that maintaining the current campus with improvements that would be authentic and useful to Nashville and residents not tourists. Better public transport, access to highway or suburanian parking structure. Bryce suggest quarterly call with the Titans. Consideration of enlarging the stadium to allow for bigger shows in consideration as other undefined considerations. A general comment regarding objective of the association for engagement in planning is to both ensure capture of neighborhood priorities for integration into planning decisions but also a remedy agreed should agreements /commitments to the neighborhood not be met. Post meeting note: RPM Skyline has decide to put property on 10th & Fatherland (former Church) back on the market rather than develop. With Best Regards, Kelly & Frank
Attendees: Lois Layne, Philip Hill, Bridget Landford, Sam Ellis, Bryce Hubner, Kristen Stenson, Peter Greaves, Jenny Alexander, Jim Hubner, Bob, Alice Forrester, Kelly Collier Regrets: Jim Damato, Frank Zier, Gracie Porter, Angela Wilson Kelly Collier - Motion to approve 10/28 meeting minutes. Peter Greaves approved motion, all attendees approved minutes. East Bank Project - www.Nashville.gov East Bank Planning Study. Alice attended the last meeting. C. Icahn sold PSC scrapyard to a recycling business to company with SA Recycling operation in Nashville, the land has not been sold. The meeting discussed plans include a mix of high-density housing and focusing on bike/walking trails, etc. Peter to send additional links to information regarding the project. Based on the meeting, it appears traffic and parking needs to have stronger consideration in design. Kelly volunteered to be one representing for the group and provide input from future meetings to the Board. Future East bank planning meeting dates will be shared and everyone interested is invited to attend, listen, share information, etc. Street Sign update- Bob - An inventory was shared of current state of ‘street signs and those needing repair. Next step is to create chart of where touch up is required, and/or others which pieces are missing, which have been ‘found’, and cost to replace those that can’t be found. (Also see Development Committee) Rep Sergeant Jennifer Ware East precinct contact for our Neighborhood Association has moved to new role. The new representative is Sergeant Eric Funk. Multiple traffic safety concerns were reported, recently drag racing was observed on Fatherland. Follow-up with Sergeant Ware determined 0 traffic police are currently assigned to East Precent. Call non-emergency police number, enough reporting may drive additional attention & resources for resolution. Kelly Collier noted if funding allows the Neighborhood could investigate funding additional patrols, etc. In the interim please continue reporting crime via 911 or non-emergency as appropriate. Stephanie - (former homeowner) of our neighborhood, now homeless needs assistance. Alice discussed situation with Sergeant Ware, guidance was other than reaching out to assistance services, w/o conservatorship or arrest for criminal behavior there may be limited options. When police are contacted a mental health team may respond (Note: This police force mental health team includes 3 people to cover all metro area and threats to life of self/others are prioritized). Lois Layne will investigate options for follow-up. Consensus to pursue a separate fundraiser will be held with Ridley Willis for a book signing and extend opportunity to friends and neighbors beyond Edgefield ($1,000 funds raised previously). Committee Reports Beautification Traffic/ Bike/ Walk Bryce- Andrew Miller contact to explore extra stop sides or permit parking / no feedback. Carol Norton is alternate contact. Saturday December 18 will be date for Neighborhood cleanup. 6th & Russell - stop signs /damage not repaired try and get Mika and Titan org to support repair. Bryce will check with crossing guard for notes on people that run signs and investigate application to the Nashville Street Calming project. Development - Peter Greaves The Russell Hotel there were 3 commitments made in planning process. 1. Check in at back (confirmation email provided to guests states to check in at front). 2. Hedge in parking lot (not established yet) 3. No meetings (there have been at least 2 events, Micah Lacher, Anchor Investments committed to no more special events would be held at the hotel at our last meeting. Multiple residents with homes surrounding The Russell are increasingly frustrated with level of commitment to these agreements. Peter Greaves/Alice to schedule small group meeting with Micah Lacher to address these issues and follow-up on these and offer made by The Russell to lend support of Neighborhood association to purchase Street signs. Please let Peter know if you are interested in participating. Peter Greaves received a escalations homeowner of 815 Fatherland had (leased) home to an at-home business. Based on complaints it appears use appears represents a code violation of permit for home-based businesses (Note the bill sunsets 2023 & will require approval of City Council). In addition to speaking directly with the homeowner, complaints of code violations should be submitted directly to Codes (615)862-6590 or hub.nashville.gov. Next zoning meeting - includes a reasoning request 5th Ave from Industrial to Residential. No other critical upcoming issues currently noted on Historic Commission Development/other planning department tracker. 10th & Fatherland (old church property). Kelly Collier will reach out to Danielle Rice, RPM Skyline to schedule a meeting for update on new plans. Peter to post dates for upcoming planning meetings. Anyone interesting in participating is welcome. Representation at the meetings is good opportunity for Edgefield to build ‘presence’ in planning discussion. Communication - Sam Ellis Multiple channels to reach people (and used by neighborhood). 1. Membership roster. 2. List serv is email distribution list posted to Google Doc’s Group Brandon Dyce administers. 3. 949 Petition is another source of email for communication regarding Edgefield (but spans beyond). 4. Social media - Facebook & Instagram. Goal of committee includes working to align/maintain member data across channels. Thanks to the communication team for creating the Christmas party site and invites! 250 additional invites will be ordered by Sam. Note to regarding potential future sourcing from Philip’s printing on Woodland (615)227-5406 www.Philprint.com Appreciate everyone’s help to flag issues with FaceBook to moderators of comments violating community guidelines. Friendly reminder - Setup block captain sign-up at the 2/1 meeting. Events - Bridgette and Kristen December 16 - Family & friends event to walk the arches and meet Santa. Kristen to post invite on FaceBook. December 19 - Christmas Party. Please sign-up for food, bring serving dishes, & utensils for your appetizers. Bridget will resend link to sign-up. Sam Ellis will update update the site note anyone is invited to bring an appetizer if they’d like. Day of event- organizers please arrive at 3:30 pm to help setup. Several members will take opportunity to invite neighborhood school, business, and police rep to the party. April - Historic Edgefield Newcomer Brunch Upcoming Meetings: Jan 30th - Board meeting at Turnip Truck NOTE: This meeting was rescheduled to January 9 Feb 1 Edgefield Neighborhood Association meeting - @ 6:30 - 8:00 pm will be held at Eastside Community Center. Updating setup for 6:00 pm. Philip will take the lead to arrange, video on history, bring archive photo’s, ‘pre-meeting’ to expand engagement. NOTE: This meeting has been changed to a Zoom meeting Jim & Gracie - Your friends and neighbors are pulling for your full and speedy recovery! |
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