April 22nd, 6-7:30PM – 808 Boscobel St. Nashville, TN 37206
MINUTES Jim Hoobler motioned to approve the March 18th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Jennifer Holskey Alexander seconded the motion. The March 18th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the March 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Annual State Filing for HEN has been approved. Jenny is working on a charitable solicitation permit to bring HEN into compliance. The past nine years of records have been approved. The last fiscal year is still to be approved. Budgets Jenny is reviewing past expenses and is working on a budget based on HEN’s historical spend. - Bank Account: $5,711.60 (The balance remains unchanged) - Venmo: $49.70 (in Venmo as reserve) Treasury Actions: Jenny will continue to bring the organization to full compliance for state filing. Jenny will compile past budget information and will share with the Board. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato July 10th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center Speakers: NPD Clay Capp Jim is hoping the parking commissioner will be able to attend as well. Shelby St. - Shelby traffic and pedestrian safety. Jim will connect with Clay Capp to see how best to bring up the Shelby St. topic in a community forum. Suggested Speakers for Future Community Meetings: Preservation Society Historic Zoning Commission 3. Block Captains Patrick will be moving out of the neighborhood and will no longer be on the HEN Board. We will need to find a new person to oversee the block captains. This role does not necessarily need to be filled by a member for the board. Block Captain Actions: Sally Ann will connect with Patrick to see if any current Block Captains may want to step in to fill the role. 4. Events: Sally Ann Eddmenson Event Committee Discussions: Newcomers Brunch – Saturday, April 6th - The brunch received a good turnout including a lot of new renters in the area. Yard Sale - Saturday, May 4th from 8AM – 2PM - Sally will email the flyer to the Board so that members can individually share the information. - Jenny will share the flyer on all of the HEN socials. - Promotion Suggestions: Tennessean, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist Boscopalooza 2024 - Allyson spoke with Clay Haynes. He will be out of town over 4th of July and is unable to be involved. - To close off the street through the Sherriff’s office, 75% of the street block must approve the street closure. - Further details will be discussed at the next Event Committee Meeting. Ice Cream Social / Board Voting Tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 18th Historic Edgefield Home Tour Event Chair: Allyson Co-Chair: Sally Ann Event Committee Meeting: Monday, April 29th 6PM 5. Beautification: Street Signs – Some signs are currently getting painted and repaired. Peter proposed looking in to cost effective options if we desire to fully replace some of the missing signs. Historic Zoning Commission will be cleaning the Historic Edgefield Marker on Friday, April 26th at noon. Board members are encouraged to participate. 6. Communication Communication Actions: Jim, Alice, Peter, and Jenny will set a time to discuss communication. 6. Development Tulip Street and The Russell were discussed. 7. Succession Planning Voting for the new board will be held in August. The board is encouraged to speak with neighbors about interest in joining the board. President - Option for Co-Presidents Vice President Treasurer Secretary UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Monday, May 20th, 2024 6PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:17PM Comments are closed.
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