ATTENDEES: Jenna Philip, Jennifer Holskey Alexander, Jim Damato, Jim Hoobler, John Guider, Patrick Nitch, Sally Ann Eddmenson; ABSENTEES: Alice Forrester, Allyson Edwards
Frank Zier, Kristen Stenson, Peter Greaves, Samuel Ellis MINUTES: Jim Hoobler motioned to approve the November 13th, 2023 HEN Board Meeting meetings. Patrick Nitch seconded the motion. The November 13th, 2023 HEN Board Meeting minutes were approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Treasury: Jenny - Bank Account: $5,941.69 (The balance remains unchanged from November 2023) - Venmo: $159.00 (in Venmo as reserve) Anticipated spend for January: Neighborhood sign reimbursement to Brandon (Between $304.62 or $354.62 depending upon a potential rush fee). Treasury Actions: Jenny will provide Bank of America with the HEN Board Minutes in order to update the authorized users on the account. New authorized users will also need to physically go to the branch to provide photo identification. Names to be removed as an authorized user: Randall Gilberd, Chris Lucas, Anne Manner Names to be added as an authorized user: Alice Forrester, Jenna Philip, Peter Greaves Jenny and Jenna to find time to go to BOA prior to the next Board Meeting. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato Community Meeting Discussions: The first HEN Community Meeting of 2024 will be held on Wednesday, January 17th at 6:30PM at East Park Community Center. Brandon has ordered five new Community Meeting signs that are expected to be completed this week. The five signs will be stationed at meaningful intersections as soon as they arrive. 2024 Community Meeting Dates Wednesday, January 17th Wednesday, April 10th Wednesday, July 10th Wednesday, October 9th Proposed Future Meetings (In Progress) Parking Commissioner: To discuss permit parking in HEN Shelby Traffic: To discuss traffic and accident concerns Preservation Society Community Meeting Actions: Patrick to place the new signs as soon as they arrive this week. Jim to drop off any metal sign stands he has to Patrick. Patrick to connect with Frank to locate additional metal sign stands. Any additional metal sign stands to be purchased on Amazon. 3. Events Event Committee Discussions: Holiday party was a great success with a significant turnout. - Thoughtful idea to continue in the future: Group photo of some of “The Originals” from the neighborhood. Lockland Neighborhood Lockland Neighborhood has scheduled their Tour of Homes for Mother’s Day. For the holidays, their neighborhood hosts a tree lighting in the park, a neighborhood holiday light competition, and a trolley tour to view the festive streets. Boscopalooza 2024 Allyson and Sally Ann have offered to take ownership of Boscopalooza 2024. - Jim Damato would like to offer advice for the event and proposed that Allyson and Sally Ann should connect with Clay Haynes (the original host of Boscopalooza) Estelle Event Tabled for the next meeting that Alice is in attendance. Newcomer’s Brunch Jim Hoobler and Dana to host the 2024 Newcomer Brunch. Potential Date: Saturday, April 6th from 11AM – 1PM Additional Proposed Events: - Goat Yoga - Community Yard Sale “Edgefield Fire Sale” - HEN Tour of Homes – Potentially Early Fall Between 10 – 12 homes previously participated in the Tour of Homes event. Prior to the tornado, some churches were included as well. In addition to homeowners, volunteers also assisted in “safe-guarding” the homes as people toured. Ideas/Suggestions o Local vendors could be included in some capacity whether through brochure sponsorship, recognition on the HEN website, a vendor “fair” at the conclusion of the event, etc. o Vendors could include locally vetted household companies including Cumberland Cooling, contractors, plumbers, architects, etc. o Angela Wilson led the last successful home and could likely offer insight. Event Committee Actions The Event Committee will meet prior to the next board meeting to create a proposed calendar of neighborhood events for 2024. 6. Beautification: No update. 7. Communication Communications Committee actions are ongoing. A Facebook Page has been created to link to the HEN Facebook Group and Instagram accounts. Web hosting and an email subscriber list will still need to be worked on. Sally Ann suggested Converter Kit as an email tool for announcements. Communication Committee Actions: Jenny will connect with Peter to have the website updated. - Holiday Party information to be removed. - Community Meeting information to be added. Jenny to handle the social media communication regarding the upcoming community meeting. 8. Development Development Discussions: Peter continues to monitor developments that warrant neighborhood considerations. 800 Main St. – Zoning was changed to approve a 10-story structure. Developer funding issues may stall the project. Tulip St. Venue Development – Clay Capp has committed to represent the neighborhood sentiments regarding this development. Peter to provide additional updates at the next Board Meeting. 9. Block Captains Block Captain Committee Discussion: Strengthened community outreach is desired to further foster community in the HEN neighborhood. Proposed areas of focus: - Supporting families when a neighbor passes away. - Offering assistance to those facing household calamities (house fires, tornado damage, etc.) - Crime updates Block Captain Actions: Block captains to focus on building and strengthening relationships within each block to have a greater understanding for neighborhood needs. UPCOMING MEETING Monday, February 12th, 2024 6PM – 7:30PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:22PM Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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