Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting
January 6th, 6-7:30PM – 808 Boscobel St. Nashville, TN 37206 ATTENDEES Allyson Edwards Amy Schoeny Christina Rivera Jenna Philip Jennifer Holskey Alexander Jim Hawk Jim Hoobler John Guider Maggie Kuhlman Peter Greaves Sally Ann Eddmenson ABSENTEES Alice Forrester Kristen Stenson MINUTES Peter Greaves motioned to approve the November 21st, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Maggie Kuhlman seconded the motion. The November 21st, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the November 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Current Bank of America balance: $4,726.17 Expenses from the holiday party: $590 Treasury Actions: Jenny will reconfirm when annual filing is due for compliance. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Hawk Upcoming Meeting: Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center Meet & Greet social time has been added from 6-6:30PM Catering spend for the Community Meeting is anticipated to be $120. Board Members are encouraged to attend the Meet & Greet to introduce themselves and welcome members of the community. New Signs for the Community Meetings have been printed. Community Meeting Actions: Jenna will distribute the Community Signs on Thursday, January 9th and will collect the signs following the Community Meeting. 3. Block Captains Maggie sent an email to Block Captains to schedule a meeting for the end of January. Meeting Tuesday, January 21st 6PM at 808 Fatherland St. Block Captains are invited to bring any other neighbors who may be interested in participating. Block Captain Actions: Maggie will send a follow-up email to confirm the meeting date and location. 4. Event Committee: Feedback Holiday Party The event was well-attended and received positive feedback. Upcoming Events Fire Sale - March 22nd Flyer to be prepared for a January 15th distribution. Newcomers Brunch – April 5th Jim Hoobler to host. Porch Party – April 6th Initial porch party will be neighborhood-wide but then will ideally transition to block events going forward. Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon – April 26th Jane’s Walk – May 3rd https://janeswalk.org/ Event Committee Actions: Jenna, Sally Ann, and Maggie will meet to confirm Fire Sale details. Jenna to provide Allyson and Jim Hawk with an update to share at the Community Meeting. 5. Membership Since September 2024, the HEN email list has increased by 9%. The Holiday Party brought in 25 combined memberships/renewals. Membership Actions: Determine a Marketing strategy to continue to increase memberships and event attendance. 6. Beautification New flower bulbs and three magnolia trees have been planted at the top of 10th and Fatherland St. The bulbs will bloom this Spring. Neighborhood cleanups are ongoing. The mayor will host a Nashville Spring Cleaning on either the last weekend of March or the first weekend of April. 7. Communication Christina has started a living document so that the Board is aware of ongoing committee activities and updates. Christina is working on a Quarterly Events Update for the website along with an email blast. The March Fire Sale will be the first update to go out for 2025. Newsletter – Still in discussion Christina is working on a brand and logo for HEN. Any input is welcome. Communication Actions: Christina to share the living document with the Board. 8. Development East End Church Lot – Holly Street East End UMC Trustees are hosting a neighborhood meeting on January 7th at 6:30PM at Eastwood Christian Church. An update on the Holly Street Property will be provided and the floor will be opened to neighborhood comments/concerns. 914 Main St. Access will be through alley that is also utilized by Turnip Truck. New Hotels A hotel on South 5th Street near the Sheriff’s Office and another hotel at Woodland (past 5th St. by the freeway) have both been approved. Development Actions: Peter to send the Board links to Nashville development trackers. 9. Community Engagement Holiday Peanut Butter Drive – Donation goal was achieved UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Monday, February 3rd 6PM 927 Fatherland St. Meeting Adjourned at 6:57PM HEN Board Meeting MinutesNovember 21, 2024
Location: Home of Sally Eddmenson, 808 Boscobel St Time 6-7:30pm Board members in attendance: Allyson Edwards, Alice Forrester, Margaret Kuhlman, Amy Schoeny, Jim Hoobler, Christina Rivera, Jim Hawk, John Guider, Kristen Stenson, Sally Ann Eddmenson 1) Approve HEN Board Meeting minutes from prior meeting Allyson Edwards motioned to approve, Jim Hoobler seconded. 2) Treasurer’s Report Jenny was absent 3) Community Meetings 2025 Quarterly meetings proposed for third Wednesdays: January 15, 2025 April 16, 2025 July 16, 2025 October 15, 2025 Board members to check calendars (if known) for possible conflicts. Jim Damato has solidified 2025 dates to CM Clay Capp, MNPD, East Park. Jim Hawk proposed having a “warm up” for neighbors before the community meeting. Allyson will check with East to see if we can have the extra 30 minutes. Pete purchased new yard signs to announce HEN community meetings and recommend locations throughout neighborhood for sign placement. 4) Block Captains status Discussed adding Christina and Kristen to help with block captains and make a committee Maggie discussed setting up a committee meeting in January with the block captains 5) Event Committee Alice to write up a plan for the Holiday Party to use for future event committees. Alice to assign jobs and times to events committee Set an Events Committee meeting for November 21St, 2024 at Sally’s house. Christina to design invite for flyer and social/email posts. Discussed devising a plan for roll out for events/ invites etc. Discussed Fall Yard sale, neighborhood walk 6) Beautification Committee Jenny to look up what has been paid toward street sign repairs to date. Jim Hoobler joined beautification committee Discussed a committee meeting for later in the Spring Alice gave an update on street signs 7) Communications Christina to lead Communications Committee Plan Communications meeting set for December 2 at Jim Hawks house Discussed a Google drive working document for communications and onboarding of ideas/ living doc Allyson and Sally confirmed all HEN board member are signed up for new WhatsApp thread. 8) Development report No updates 9) Community Engagement Discussed peanut butter drive Christina to make a flyer for drive Back pack stuffing date discussed 10) Next HEN meeting to be Jan 6 at 6pm. 11) Adjourned Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting
September 25, 6-7:00PM –. Nashville, TN 37206 ATTENDEES Alice Forrester Allyson Edwards Jenna Philip Jennifer Holskey Alexander Jim Damato Jim Hoobler Jim Hawk John Guider Kristen Stenson Peter Greaves Sally Ann Eddmenson ABSENTEES Margaret Kuhlman Christina Rivera MINUTES Allyson Edwards motioned to approve the June 17th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Alice Forrester seconded the motion. The June 17th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the June 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Current Bank of America balance: $4,208.52 Venmo: $140.60 Revenue: Three membership payments were received through the Ice Cream Social
Expenses: Ice Cream Social - $55.95 to Alice Forrester Membership Drive Holiday Party is typically a successful event for membership signups as the Board can demonstrate projects that have been funded throughout the year.
Neighborhood door knocking was proposed as another way to garner new memberships. A Newsletter could provide additional exposure for those not on social media. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato Upcoming Meetings Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center Guests: Chris Van Loon Lobbying arm for transit Clay Capp Police Cadence Increasing the cadence of the community meetings was proposed to ensure at least four meetings are held a year. The first meeting could begin in January after the holidays. “Listening Meeting” – Ability for the neighborhood to express their views, concerns, etc. If we add food to the meeting to entice more attendance, the event committee may need to be involved to obtain sponsors, discounts etc. Community Meeting Actions: A week before, the meeting needs to be announced on social media, signs posted throughout the neighborhood. Jim Damato to reconfirm with all guests that they will be attending the October 16th meeting. Kristen to reach out to Chris to reconfirm her availability and how she would like to be introduced. (10-15 minute limit) Allyson – Will connect with the tranist lobyist 3. Block Captains Block Captain Actions: Allyson will connect Erica Von Houer and Maggie Kuhlman to gauge their interest in the Block Captain position 4. Event Committee: Sally Ann Eddmenson Christmas Party 2024 Sunday, December 8th 5-7PM John & Gabe’s House 2025 Events Porch Parties – These casual pop-up events could be integrated with block captains Event Committee Actions: Event Committee to meet prior to the next Board Meeting.
Nearer to the Christmas Party, the Event Committee will connect with John & Gabe to see how best to support them for the event. 5. Beautification: Alice Forrester and John Guider Alice and John have signed on to the Beautification Committee. Clean Up Day: Kristen proposed partnering with Warner Elementary for their clean up days. Street Sign Update: Paused HEN does not have an active contract for the street sign work. Great Nashville Litter Clean-up: Saturday, October 19th and Sunday, October 20th Register by October 1st Beautification Actions: Jim Hawk to pass along the information for the Great Nashville Litter Clean-up. 6. Communication Communication Actions: We still need a leader for this committee. Christina (absent) was proposed as a Board Member who may be interested. 7. Development: Peter Greaves 10th/Fatherland – Construction has begun. Gallatin UDO – Cancelled
Vision Zero – Shelby Main St. / Gallatin – Bus Lane, Bike Lane Spokes Project 7. Community Engagement: Jim Hawk Relationships are the heart of community engagement.
6PM at 822 Boscobel Meeting Adjourned at 7:23PM ATTENDEES
Alice Forrester Allyson Edwards Jenna Philip Jim Damato Jim Hoobler John Guider Peter Greaves Sally Ann Eddmenson ABSENTEES Sam Ellis Kristen Stenson Jennifer Alexander MINUTES Jim Damato motioned to approve the May 20th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Jim Hoobler seconded the motion. The May 20th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the May 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Current Bank of America balance: $5,293.82 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday, July 10th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center TBC: Parking Commissioner Wednesday, October 9th Guest TBC Community Meeting Actions: Pete will reach out to the Parking Commissioner to have a representative attend the July 10th meeting. Jim will reconfirm that Clay Capp and the Police Commissioner are available for the July 10th meeting. Jim will speak with Brandon & Frank to confirm if they will display the community signs the week of July 1st or if Jim will need to collect them and distribute. Jim will connect with NDOT regarding Shelby St. traffic. (Potential for a separate community meeting focused on this topic.) 3. Block Captains At the moment, there is not a new coordinator for the Block Captains. Block Captain Actions: The Event Committee will reach out to the existing Block Captains to distribute the upcoming neighborhood event flyer. 4. Event Committee: Sally Ann Eddmenson Upcoming Event Flyer The Events Committee will create a flyer for upcoming HEN events. Flyer to include:
Boscopalooza 2024 - Neighbors will be invited to bring their own food, beverages, and chairs to the Block Party - Tentative timing: 6 - 10PM (Fireworks are scheduled for 9:30PM) Ice Cream Social / Board Voting Sunday, August 18th
Christmas Party 2024 Date/Location To Be Determined Peter Greaves offered his home as a backup location. Event Committee Actions: Event Committee to set meeting time to finalize Boscopalooza details. Event Committee to create flyer to be printed. Block Captains to distribute the flyer. Alice to speak with John and Gabe regarding the possibility of hosting the Christmas Party at their house. 5. Beautification: Street Sign Update
Peter motioned to approve the invoice of $983 to complete the missing street signs. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 Abstain: 0 A Neighborhood Cleanup Day will be revisited in the Fall when temperatures drop. Beautification Actions: Alice to speak with Peter Jones about removing dead trees at the corner of 10th/Fatherland. 6. Communication Communication Actions: Jim, Alice, Peter, and Jenny will set a time to discuss Communication. 7. Development 10th & Fatherland Development: Set to break ground in July 2024. Tulip Street Church: East End sale is going ahead. 8. Succession Planning Voting for the new board will be held at the Ice Cream Social in August. Jim Hawk and Denise have expressed interest in joining the Board. Neighbors can also join committees without becoming Board Members. President - Option for Co-Presidents if people wish to split the role Vice President Treasurer Secretary Succession Planning Actions: Board Members to continue speaking with neighbors to garner additional interest. Peter Greaves to advise the Board this week if he is interested in holding the role of President. Jim Damato offered to be Co-President. Allyson Edwards offered to be Co-President. Jennifer Alexander has offered to continue as Treasurer. Jenna Philip has offered to continue as Secretary. UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Wednesday, July 24th 6PM MARU Restaurant East Nashville Meeting Adjourned at 7:10PM April 22nd, 6-7:30PM – 808 Boscobel St. Nashville, TN 37206
MINUTES Jim Hoobler motioned to approve the March 18th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Jennifer Holskey Alexander seconded the motion. The March 18th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the March 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Annual State Filing for HEN has been approved. Jenny is working on a charitable solicitation permit to bring HEN into compliance. The past nine years of records have been approved. The last fiscal year is still to be approved. Budgets Jenny is reviewing past expenses and is working on a budget based on HEN’s historical spend. - Bank Account: $5,711.60 (The balance remains unchanged) - Venmo: $49.70 (in Venmo as reserve) Treasury Actions: Jenny will continue to bring the organization to full compliance for state filing. Jenny will compile past budget information and will share with the Board. 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato July 10th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center Speakers: NPD Clay Capp Jim is hoping the parking commissioner will be able to attend as well. Shelby St. - Shelby traffic and pedestrian safety. Jim will connect with Clay Capp to see how best to bring up the Shelby St. topic in a community forum. Suggested Speakers for Future Community Meetings: Preservation Society Historic Zoning Commission 3. Block Captains Patrick will be moving out of the neighborhood and will no longer be on the HEN Board. We will need to find a new person to oversee the block captains. This role does not necessarily need to be filled by a member for the board. Block Captain Actions: Sally Ann will connect with Patrick to see if any current Block Captains may want to step in to fill the role. 4. Events: Sally Ann Eddmenson Event Committee Discussions: Newcomers Brunch – Saturday, April 6th - The brunch received a good turnout including a lot of new renters in the area. Yard Sale - Saturday, May 4th from 8AM – 2PM - Sally will email the flyer to the Board so that members can individually share the information. - Jenny will share the flyer on all of the HEN socials. - Promotion Suggestions: Tennessean, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist Boscopalooza 2024 - Allyson spoke with Clay Haynes. He will be out of town over 4th of July and is unable to be involved. - To close off the street through the Sherriff’s office, 75% of the street block must approve the street closure. - Further details will be discussed at the next Event Committee Meeting. Ice Cream Social / Board Voting Tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 18th Historic Edgefield Home Tour Event Chair: Allyson Co-Chair: Sally Ann Event Committee Meeting: Monday, April 29th 6PM 5. Beautification: Street Signs – Some signs are currently getting painted and repaired. Peter proposed looking in to cost effective options if we desire to fully replace some of the missing signs. Historic Zoning Commission will be cleaning the Historic Edgefield Marker on Friday, April 26th at noon. Board members are encouraged to participate. 6. Communication Communication Actions: Jim, Alice, Peter, and Jenny will set a time to discuss communication. 6. Development Tulip Street and The Russell were discussed. 7. Succession Planning Voting for the new board will be held in August. The board is encouraged to speak with neighbors about interest in joining the board. President - Option for Co-Presidents Vice President Treasurer Secretary UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Monday, May 20th, 2024 6PM 808 Boscobel St. Meeting Adjourned at 7:17PM |
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