Historic Edgefield Neighbors met on Tuesday, November 28, 2017, at the East Park Community Center at 7PM. Several neighbors attended, and the following items were discussed:
Captain David Imhoff and Sergeant Michael Fisher from the East Precinct provided a Crime Report: There have been several incidents in Edgefield, with over half being vehicle break-ins. There have also been personal robberies (one tourist and two homeless folks as victims) all at 5th and Main/5th and Woodland. Neighbors are encouraged to keep their vehicles locked and to park in well-lit areas. Sandy Tipping provided an update on the Warner Backpack/Legacy Fund Update: Tulip Street had a building maintenance endowment built over decades, and the congregation agreed to use the money from the building endowment specifically to benefit low-income children and families in the Edgefield area. Francis Southerland, former MNPS teacher now deceased, was a major benefactor and reason behind the backpack drive with Warner Elementary; Warner students often rely on the schools for their food so hunger becomes a problem during long breaks from school. To support this year’s backpack program, HEN collected 150+ backpacks with Turnip Truck’s support with backpacks and food this year, and the Legacy Fund is providing the bulk of the food to pack and send home. Volunteers will be stuffing the backpacks on December 2 at 10am at Warner Elementary; neighbors are welcome to participate if they would like. Also, if neighbors have ideas to support low-income children and families, the Board of the Legacy Fund would welcome ideas The Annual HEN Holiday Party will be Sunday, December 10, from 5PM to 7PM, at 600 Russell Street. Neighbors of all ages welcome! We are also collecting food donations for the Warner food pantry and either new or gently used books for the children in Cayce Homes. Please bring an item to donate if you wish. Ken Turner, a life safety consultant with ADS Security, offered a Fire Safety/Burglary Prevention Checklist and answered general questions. These two safety checklists have been posted on the Historic Edgefield Neighbors Facebook page. Terri Dorsey gave Neighborhood Development Update. She shared a handout of what has sold and what is still on the market from the last six months. The homes at 10th and Russell are all still on the market and the price has been lowered. Neighbors can email Terri for more info. Brett Withers offered a Metro Council Report. On Wednesday, November 29, at 11am there was the Kirkpatrick phase of Envision Cayce groundbreaking. Also, Brett filed a bill on second reading on door-to-door solicitations and is working with the Metro clerk on that issue; no public hearing on this bill (2017-953) as of yet. The STR bill will be heard before the Planning Commission on Thursday, December 14, with a public hearing at the Council the first meeting in January. In terms of other business, HEN has one street sign that still needs replacing but will cost $5000. We can’t afford this and will continue to explore dues, fundraising and so forth in the new year. The next business meeting is Tuesday, January 30, at 7PM at East Park Community Center. Comments are closed.
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