Alice Forrester Allyson Edwards Jenna Philip Jim Damato Jim Hoobler John Guider Peter Greaves Sally Ann Eddmenson ABSENTEES Sam Ellis Kristen Stenson Jennifer Alexander MINUTES Jim Damato motioned to approve the May 20th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. minutes. Jim Hoobler seconded the motion. The May 20th, 2024 Historic Edgefield Inc. Board Meeting minutes were approved. Actions: Jenny will add the May 2024 minutes to the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Treasury: Jenny Current Bank of America balance: $5,293.82 2. Community Meetings: Jim Damato Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday, July 10th at 6:30PM at the East Park Community Center TBC: Parking Commissioner Wednesday, October 9th Guest TBC Community Meeting Actions: Pete will reach out to the Parking Commissioner to have a representative attend the July 10th meeting. Jim will reconfirm that Clay Capp and the Police Commissioner are available for the July 10th meeting. Jim will speak with Brandon & Frank to confirm if they will display the community signs the week of July 1st or if Jim will need to collect them and distribute. Jim will connect with NDOT regarding Shelby St. traffic. (Potential for a separate community meeting focused on this topic.) 3. Block Captains At the moment, there is not a new coordinator for the Block Captains. Block Captain Actions: The Event Committee will reach out to the existing Block Captains to distribute the upcoming neighborhood event flyer. 4. Event Committee: Sally Ann Eddmenson Upcoming Event Flyer The Events Committee will create a flyer for upcoming HEN events. Flyer to include:
Boscopalooza 2024 - Neighbors will be invited to bring their own food, beverages, and chairs to the Block Party - Tentative timing: 6 - 10PM (Fireworks are scheduled for 9:30PM) Ice Cream Social / Board Voting Sunday, August 18th
Christmas Party 2024 Date/Location To Be Determined Peter Greaves offered his home as a backup location. Event Committee Actions: Event Committee to set meeting time to finalize Boscopalooza details. Event Committee to create flyer to be printed. Block Captains to distribute the flyer. Alice to speak with John and Gabe regarding the possibility of hosting the Christmas Party at their house. 5. Beautification: Street Sign Update
Peter motioned to approve the invoice of $983 to complete the missing street signs. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 Abstain: 0 A Neighborhood Cleanup Day will be revisited in the Fall when temperatures drop. Beautification Actions: Alice to speak with Peter Jones about removing dead trees at the corner of 10th/Fatherland. 6. Communication Communication Actions: Jim, Alice, Peter, and Jenny will set a time to discuss Communication. 7. Development 10th & Fatherland Development: Set to break ground in July 2024. Tulip Street Church: East End sale is going ahead. 8. Succession Planning Voting for the new board will be held at the Ice Cream Social in August. Jim Hawk and Denise have expressed interest in joining the Board. Neighbors can also join committees without becoming Board Members. President - Option for Co-Presidents if people wish to split the role Vice President Treasurer Secretary Succession Planning Actions: Board Members to continue speaking with neighbors to garner additional interest. Peter Greaves to advise the Board this week if he is interested in holding the role of President. Jim Damato offered to be Co-President. Allyson Edwards offered to be Co-President. Jennifer Alexander has offered to continue as Treasurer. Jenna Philip has offered to continue as Secretary. UPCOMING BOARD MEETING Wednesday, July 24th 6PM MARU Restaurant East Nashville Meeting Adjourned at 7:10PM |
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